Wednesday, January 4, 2012

As I made my plans for the week.....God has other plans once again.  So I am trying to accept what is. I have been trying to finished my task list from last week. Since Connor was sick nothing was completed, this week it is Cassie  School was supposed to start back for Cassie and Connor today, but now Cassie is sick so that is on hold.  Poor little girl.  So....there is no school.  After having company for a week and sick kids I am so thankful for some time to recoup myself!  Connor's grades are finished, laundry has been going all morning, and I have sat with Cassie and had some great laughs! 

Connor melted my heart today when I asked him to say the lunch time prayer.  He prayed for both of his sisters, his Daddy's safety at work, and the ability for me to complete the work that I need to do.  Listening to your own child pray for you.......PRICELESS! Thank you, Lord, for that blessing today!!   :)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Living Life

Learning to Love what life throws at you is no easy task!  I created this blog site due to some free time sitting with my son who has been sick with the flu all week.  I had such great plans, many tasks to be accomplished, and yet....very few of them are completed. I am happier than I have been in months!  This seems crazy to me! I have a tendency to plan out everything~ and not adjust very well to the plans God has for me and my family. Learning to live a more thankful and grateful life is my goal this year. I still will plan and organize.....but be more ready for any detours God puts in to my itinerary. So as I am organizing, I am watching for the bigger picture of what God is doing.  Very excited to see where He takes me and my family! I pray this will be a blessing to you as well!  :)